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时间:2011-09-15 17:00来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

b.    The first verb, "are detected", is in the passive voice (refer to Rule 3.6).
c.    The first sentence is 24 words long (refer to Rule 5.1)
d.    An article is missing in front of "crack length" (refer to Rule 2.3).
e.    And although this is an instruction, the verb is not in the imperative ("commanding") form (refer to Rule 5.4).
 It would be possible to replace "perform" by "do", "within" by "in", and "certain" by "some" as suggested in the Dictionary:
If cracks are detected during this procedure, the operator must do the repair in some flight hours depending on crack length.
 This would keep the same construction, but it is not good English.
 To replace "are detected" (unapproved verb and passive), you must change the construction: "If you find cracks ...".  But this does not change the construction of the remainder of the sentence.
 To replace "below", you must make a small change to the construction: "See the table that follows".
 But to write around "depending" needs complete reformulation. You cannot simply use the alternative suggested in the Dictionary: IF. ("If" what?)
 A possible rewrite of the first sentence would be:
If you find cracks during this procedure, do the repair before the number of flight hours applicable to the length of the crack.
 But there are still too many words (23).  In addition, part of the information is also in the table, so it is not necessary to repeat it. Thus, the solution that is the most easily understandable (and also the most economical) is to put the instructions in the titles of the table, as shown in the WRITE version above.
Remember: the goal of Simplified English is to help the users understand what they read.
 RULE: 9.2 When you combine words to make a phrase, make sure that the words continue to obey the meanings given to them in the Dictionary (Part 2).
 Some phrases in English have meanings which are different from the meanings assigned to the individual words in the Simplified English Dictionary (Part 2). When this occurs, the phrase is not permitted in Simplified English.
 Instead of:  When the fire is Uput outU, close the valve.
 WRITE:  When the fire is UextinguishedU, close the valve.
    (PUT is approved in SE, and OUT is approved also. However, "put out" in the example does not obey the approved meanings of either word in SE.)


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