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时间:2011-09-15 17:00来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

 NOT:   (1) Examine the removed components; replace the damaged ones.

 Section 9 - Writing Practices
 Summary of the Rules
 RULE: 9.1 Use a Different Construction to rewrite sentences in Simplified English when a word-for-word replacement is not sufficient.
 RULE: 9.2 When you combine words to make a phrase, make sure that the words continue to obey the meanings given to them in the Dictionary (Part 2).
 RULE: 9.3 Use the Dictionary (Part 2) correctly to get the correct words, meanings, and parts of speech.
 Different Constructions
 RULE: 9.1 Use a Different Construction to rewrite sentences in Simplified English when a word-for-word replacement is not sufficient.
 Sometimes, to translate an instruction from "everyday English" into clear and correct Simplified English, you cannot simply change one or two words.
 The approved vocabulary of Simplified English is a controlled one. That is, apart from Technical Names and Manufacturing Processes, you can only use words that are approved in the Dictionary. And you can only use these words with certain meanings and as certain parts of speech. (Refer to Section 1 for more information.)
 Because of this, you will not always be able to write a sentence as you would like to. You may have to replace an unapproved word with an approved word that is a different part of speech. Or you may even have to use a different phrase. This is called Different Construction in this Guide. To help you choose approved words, the Dictionary in Part 2 is like a thesaurus. For words that are not approved, it suggests approved alternatives.
 NOTE:These alternatives are only suggestions. They are satisfactory in the examples shown, but not necessarily in your text.
 Sometimes, it is possible to simply replace one word by another. This is often (but not always) the case with alternatives that are the same part of speech as the unapproved word.
 WRITE:  A value of XXXX is permitted.
 NOT:  A value of XXXX is acceptable. ("Acceptable" is not approved.)

 However, even in such apparently simple cases, you must make sure that the alternative you choose is suitable. Make sure that it does not change the meaning of the sentence, and that it does not sound clumsy.
 In many other cases, however, it will not be possible to do a simple word-for-word replacement, and you will have to use a Different Construction. There can be three reasons for this:
UReason 1U: The alternative you choose means that you have to change the grammatical construction of the sentence. (You will find many examples of this in the Dictionary.)

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