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时间:2011-09-15 17:00来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

 RULE: 8.6 When you count words for sentence length, text in parentheses counts as a new sentence.
 RULE: 8.7 When you count words for sentence length, a number counts as one word.
 RULE: 8.8 When you count words for sentence length, an alphanumeric identifier counts as one word.
 RULE: 8.9 When you count words for sentence length, an abbreviation or acronym counts as one word.
 Section 9 - Writing Practices
 RULE: 9.1 Use a Different Construction to rewrite sentences in Simplified English when a word-for-word replacement is not sufficient.
 RULE: 9.2 When you combine words to make a phrase, make sure that the words continue to obey the meanings given to them in the Dictionary (Part 2).
 RULE: 9.3 Use the Dictionary (Part 2) correctly to get the correct words, meanings, and parts of speech.
 Section 1 - Words
 Summary of the Rules
 RULE: 1.1 Choose the words for procedures from:
      Approved words in the Dictionary (Part 2)
      Words that qualify as Technical Names (Refer to Rule 1.5)
      Words that qualify as Manufacturing Processes (Refer to Rule 1.10)
 RULE: 1.2 Use approved words from the Dictionary only as the part of speech given.
 RULE: 1.3 Keep to the approved meaning of a word in the Dictionary. Do not use the word with any other meaning.
 RULE: 1.4 Only use those forms of verbs and adjectives shown in the Dictionary.
 RULE: 1.5 You can use words that are Technical Names.
 RULE: 1.6 Use a Technical Name only as a noun or an adjective, not as a verb.
 RULE: 1.7 Use the official name (shortened if necessary).
 RULE: 1.8 Do not use different Technical Names for the same thing.
 RULE: 1.9 If you have a choice, use the shortest and simplest name.
 RULE: 1.10 You can use verbs that are Manufacturing Processes.
RULE: 1.11 Use Manufacturing Processes only as verbs, not as nouns or adjectives (unless the noun form qualifies as a Technical Name).
 RULE: 1.12 Once you choose the words to describe something, continue to use these same words (particularly Technical Names).
 RULE: 1.13 Make your instructions as specific as possible.
 Which Words Can You Use?
 RULE: 1.1 Choose the words for procedures from:
      Approved words in the Dictionary (Part 2)
      Words that qualify as Technical Names (Refer to Rule 1.5)
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn