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时间:2011-09-15 17:00来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

Disconnect the hoses (2) and (12) from the suction ejector (6).
Open the left (right) access panel L42 (R42).
Increase the pressure slowly (not more than one turn each minute).
(1) Close the isolating valve.
 Words in Parentheses in Word Counts
 RULE: 8.6 When you count words for sentence length, text in parentheses counts as a new sentence.
 If the text inside the parentheses is a full phrase (or complete thought), the text counts as a new sentence.
The Instrument Landing System (usually referred to as ILS) has...
 If the text inside the parentheses is only an acronym, a locator related to an illustration, or a single-term identifier such as a part number, count this text as part of the main sentence.
The VHF omnidirectional range-beacon (VOR) is...
Identify the connector, shown as item (4) on Figure 15.
Install the rig pin (P-60) in the slat control bellcrank.
 RULE: 8.7 When you count words for sentence length, a number counts as one word.
 Count a number as one word. Count a unit of measurement as a word if it is written in full. If the unit is an abbreviation or a symbol, do not count it.
Use a 10-meter mooring cable. (6 words)
Use a 10 m mooring cable. (5 words)
 RULE: 8.8 When you count words for sentence length, an alphanumeric identifier counts as one word.
 Count alphanumeric identifiers as one word.
Examine the No. 1 Bearing Installation. (5 words - "No. 1" counts as one word)
Open and tag Circuit Breaker 36L7. (6 words - "36L7" counts as one word)
 RULE: 8.9 When you count words for sentence length, an abbreviation or acronym counts as one word.
 Count an abbreviation or an acronym as one word.
Monitor the EPR indications. (4 words)
Monitor the Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR) indications. (7 words)
 Semicolon ;
 Do not use semicolons. In everyday English, the semicolon is often used incorrectly to join sentences which, for clarity, really should stay separate. Semicolons can easily make you write more than one instruction per sentence, where this is not permitted. For these reasons, do not use semicolons when you write in Simplified English.
 WRITE:   (1) Examine the removed components for damage.
    (2) If necessary, replace the component(s).
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn