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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:




NONVOLATILE MEMORY, A type of memory which            永久性存储器,


does not lose its contents when power is removed.       在失去动力或电力时不会失去记忆内容的存储器。


NOR GATE, An OR gate followed by an inverter to form  或非门,


a binary circuit in which the output is logic 0 if any of the 在或门后面紧跟着一个反向器的二进制电路。当任何一


inputs is logic 1.                                    个输人为逻辑1时,输出为逻辑0。


NOSE CONE, A device on the front of the engine that   进气整流锥,


guides airflow to the primary airflow path of the engine. 一个位于在发动机前端,用于引导气流通过发动机的主




NOSE COWL, Front section of the nacelle for air inlet to 前整流罩,


the engine.                                             引导空气进人发动机的短舱前段。


NOSE DOME, Front section of the engine for            头部整流罩,


streamlining and directing airflow to the compressor.   用以整流并引导气流进人压气机的发动机前段。


                                     TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                   106

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                   BOEING


NOSE GEAR, The front wheels with the attachments for 前起落架,


supporting the airplane on the ground.                用以在地面支撑飞机的前轮及其附件。


NOT, A binary circuit with a single output that is always 非门,


opposite of the single input. Also called an inverter. 带有始终与单一输人相反的单一输出。也称作反向器。


NOTCH, An indention that has the shape of a "V".    凹槽,




NOZZLE, A shaped device for directing flow in a duct. 喷嘴,



航空翻译 www.aviation.cn