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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


point on the center of a taxiway. Also referred to as long 设计意图是加速飞机着陆后脱离跑道,从而减少跑道占用


radius exit or turnoff taxiway. The high speed taxiway is 的时间。


designed to expedite aircraft turning off the runway after


landing, thus reducing runway occupancy time.


HOIST, A device for lowering and lifting an engine or a  吊车,


heavy component during removal and installation on the     在发动机或重部件拆卸和安装过程中,用于放下或抬起


airplane.                                                发动机或重部件的装置。


HOLDING, Airplane maneuver to keep the airplane from     等待,


progressing along the intended route of flight.            使飞机不按预定航线继续飞行的机动动作。


HOLDING PATTERN, The predetermined maneuver              等待航线,


which keeps aircraft within a specified air space while    使飞机处于指定空域内等待空中交通管制下一步调度


awaiting further clearance from air traffic control.     的预定机动动作。


HOLD/HOLDING PROCEDURE, A predetermined                  等待程序,


maneuver which keeps aircraft within a specified           保持飞机在指定空域等待空中交通指挥的下一步许可


airspace while awaiting further clearance from air traffic 的预定机动动作。也用在地面操纵来保持飞机在指定的地


control. Also used during ground operations to keep      区内,或在指定点等待空中交通指挥的下一步许可。标准


aircraft within a specified area or at a specified point 的等待时间是在 14,000英尺或高度层 40以下时1分钟,



while awaiting further clearance from air traffic control. 以上为 1分半钟。有些国家以飞行高度层 200作1分钟和


The standard holding time is one minute at or below      1分半钟的划分。


14,000 feet or FL 140 and 1 1/2 minutes above. The


separation between 1 and 1 1/2 minutes is FL 200 in


some countries.


                                        TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                      76

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