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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


compressors by the low and high pressure engine       分别带动低压和高压压气机。




COMBUSTION CHAMBER, A part of an engine for           燃烧室,


burning fuel in the air supplied by the compressor.     发动机的一部分。用来使燃油和压气机所提供的空气相




                                      TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                  31

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                     BOEING


COMMAND BAR, A flight director pitch or roll command  指令杆,


indication.                                             飞行指引仪俯仰或坡度的指令显示。


COMPANY ROUTE, A route flown by the airplane          公司航路,


operator that is normally stored in the flight          通常储存在飞行管理计算机数据库内由航空公司飞行


management computer's data base.                      的航路。


COMPASS LOCATOR, A low power, low or medium           罗盘定位台,


frequency (L/MF) radio beacon usually installed in      与仪表着陆进近系统的远距或中距指点标配套安装的


conjunction with the outer or middle marker of an     低功率、低频、或中频无线电信标装置(低功率NDB台)。


instrument landing system (ILS). It can be used for   经认可后在进近程序中用来导航。


navigation as authorized in the approach procedure.


    1.   Outer Compass Locator (LOM), A compass           1.远台,


        locator installed in conjunction with the outer       与仪表着陆进近系统的远指点标配套安装的罗


        marker of an instrument landing system.               盘信标台(NDB)。


    2.   Middle Compass Locator (LMM), A compass          2.中台,


        locator installed in conjunction with the middle      与仪表着陆进近系统的中指点标配套安装的罗


        marker of an instrument landing system.               盘定位台(NDB)。

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