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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


are perpendicular to each other and pass through the        通过飞机重心互相垂直的三个轴。


center of gravity of the airplane.


   Pitch axis - Horizontal or lateral axis, passes through    俯仰轴—又称水平轴或横轴。由飞机的一侧通向另一


               the airplane from one side to the other -              侧。飞机绕此轴转动即造成机首的俯与仰。


               nose up and nose down control is by                    俯仰控制是由升降舵来达成的,水平安定面


               elevators (and stabilizer for trim).                   则为配平之用。


    Roll axis - Longitudinal axis, passes through the         横滚轴—又称纵轴。由飞机的前部通向后部。机翼上


               airplane from front to rear - wing up and              下运动由副翼和飞行扰流板控制。


               wing down control is by ailerons and


               flight spoilers.


    Yaw axis - Vertical axis, passes through the              偏航轴—又称垂直轴。由机身上方通向下方。飞机绕


               airplane from top to bottom - left and                 此轴转动即造成机首之左右运动,此一运动


               right control is by rudder.                            由方向舵控制。


                                        TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                      35

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                     BOEING


CONTROL COLUMN, A mechanical component used           驾驶杆,


by the flight crew for operation of ailerons, flight spoilers 飞行员用来操纵副翼、飞行扰流板和升降舵的机械部


and elevators.                                        件。

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn