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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


corrosion paths forming on aluminum structures usually 在铝构件上形成的螺纹或条纹样的腐蚀痕迹。通常出


under painted layers.                                现于油漆层下。


                                     TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                 58

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                         BOEING


FIM, SEE - FAULT ISOLATION MANUAL                          故障隔离手册,


                                                               见Fault Isolation Manual.


FIN, SEE - VERTICAL STABILIZER                             垂尾,


                                                               见Vertical Stabilizer


FINAL APPROACH COURSE, A straight line extension           最后进近航道,


of a localizer, a final approach radial/bearing, or a        一个着陆航向信标的直线延长线,一条最后进近径向/


runway centerline, all without regard to distance.         方位线,或一条跑道中心线,均与距离无关。


FINAL APPROACH FIX, The fix from which the final           最后进近定位点,


approach (IFR) to an airport is executed and which           向机场作最后进近仪表飞行规则的定位点,也是最后进


identifies the beginning of the final approach segment.    近开始的标志。在 Jeppesen   Terminal   charts 的剖面图


It is designated in the profile view of Jeppesen Terminal  上,非精密进近用十字轮符号表示,精密进近用下滑道/


charts by the Maltese Cross symbol for nonprecision        航道切人点表示。下滑道/航道符号始于FAF。当ATC指


approaches and by the glide slope/path intercept point     引一条低于公布的下滑道/航道切人高度时,FAF是由此


on precision approaches. The glide slope/path symbol       得到的下滑道/航道的实际点。


starts at the FAF When ATC directs a lower-than

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