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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                   BOEING


MIX VALVE, A valve assembly with two or more        混合活门,


individual valves used for airflow distribution in air 在空调系统内.用以气流分布的具有两个或两个以上单


conditioning system.                                体活门的活门组件。


MMO, The maximum Mach number at which the aircraft  MMO,


may be operated.                                      飞机可使用的最大马赫数。


MODE, A specific operating state or condition; i.e., 方式,


Autopilot mode, MAP mode, etc.                        一个特定的工作状态或情况,如自动驾驶方式,MAP




MODULATION, Combining two or more electrical        调制,


signals with the result that one signal is varied by the 组合两个或两个以上的电子信号,使一个信号随其他信


others.                                             号的变化而变化。


MODULE, A housing that contains related system      组件,


components.                                             内装相关的系统部件的机体。


MONOCOQUE, A type of construction in which the      硬壳式,


fuselage skin carries all the loads.                  机身蒙皮承担所有载荷的结构形式。


MONOPOLE, A speed sensor that senses magnetic       单极,


pulses from a magnetic nut or gear teeth on a shaft.    一个能感应到磁螺帽或齿轮轴上的磁脉冲数的速度


These pulses are interpreted as RPM by the controller. 感应器。这些脉冲可由控制器译成转/分钟。


MOTOR OPERATED VALVE, A valve using an electric     马达操作活门,


motor for opening, closing and modulation.              用电马达来开、关和调制的活门。


                                    TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                 102

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn