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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


ISA DEVIATION, The amount of temperature or       与国际标准大气之偏差,


pressure difference from ISA (see International         温度或压力与国际标准大气的差值(参见国际标准


Standard Atmosphere).                             大气)。


ISLAND RESERVES, Reserves required by the         岛屿备用油量,


applicable governing agency when flying routes      有关政府单位要求在没有备降场的岛屿间飞行的飞机


between islands with no alternate airports.       携带的备用燃油量。


ISOBARIC CONDITION, Cabin pressure (altitude)     等压状况,


remaining constant with changing airplane altitude. 在飞机改变高度时,座舱压力(即座舱高度)保持不变




ISOLATION VALVE, A valve in the system for        隔离活门,


separation of the system into sections.             用以将系统分隔成几个部份的活门。




JACK, A mechanical or hydraulic device for raising the 千斤顶,


airplane.                                           用以将飞机抬起的机械式或液压式的装置。


JACKING POINT, Location on the airplane for using a 千斤顶支点,


jack.                                               飞机上可以让千斤顶吃力的位置。


                                   TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                              84

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英汉对照民用航空词典                              BOEING


JACKSCREW, A rotating threaded rod used to drive a 致动螺杆,


moveable component such as a flap or stabilizer. 用来使可动部件如襟翼或水平安定面运动的能够旋转




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