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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


QUICK TURNAROUND LIMITS, Established the              快速周转极限,


minimum amount of time to cool the wheel brakes         在下一个起飞许可之前,已确定的飞机轮刹车的最少冷


before the next take off is permitted.                却时间。


                                      TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                   120

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                    BOEING


QUIESCENT, Condition of an electrical circuit when no 寂静状态,


input signal is applied to it.                         电路上没有输人信号的状态。




RACK, A place for storage of modules in the          支架,


electrical/electronic equipment compartment.           电气/电子设备舱内,用以存放组件的地方。


RADAR, A device which measures the time between the  雷达,


transmission and reception of radio pulses and provides 测量无线电脉冲从传输到接收所需的时间,并提供范


information on range, azimuth, and/or elevation of   围,方位,和/或脉冲信号传输途径上物体标高的装置。


objects in the path of the transmitted pulses.


RADAR VECTORS, Headings given to the pilot from a    雷达引导,


controller using radar.                                由使用雷达的空中交通管制员给予飞行员的航向。


RADIAL, A magnetic bearing extending from a          径向线,


VORNORTACITACAN navigation facility.                     由甚高频全向信标/塔康联合定位/塔康系统导航设




RADIO ALTITUDE (HEIGHT) (RA), The distance of an     无线电高度(RA),


aircraft above the ground, as determined by a radio      由无线电高度表系统测定的飞机与地面的距离。


altimeter system.


RAM, SEE - RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY                      随机存取存储器,


                                                       见 Random Access Memory

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