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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


SCRATCH PAD, An area on the FMCS control display      草稿栏,


unit used for showing characters activated by the        FMCS显示器上的一个区域,用于显示由宇母—数字键


alphanumeric keys.                                    盘激发的字符。


SCSI, SEE - SMALL COMPUTER SYSTEM                     小型计算机系统接口,


INTERFACE                                               见Small Computer System Interface.


SCUPPER, A shallow receptacle around a filler neck of 放泄孔,


a liquid tank to catch any overflow or spillage from the 液体箱的加注咀边所装置的小型容器,用于接取勤务过


servicing operation. The scupper is normally fitted with a 程中任何溢流的液体。一般都装有通向机舱外的排泄管


drain overboard.                                      道。


SEA LEVEL, The standard datum plane from which        海平面,


altitude is measured.                                   用作高度测量基准的标准平面。


                                      TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                   130

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                      BOEING


SEA LEVEL STATIC THRUST, Maximum rated power           海平面静推力,


produced by a stationary jet engine during ambient       在海平面环境状态(大气温度、压力)下,一台固定住


conditions at sea level.                               的喷气发动机所产生的最大推力。


SEAL, A component between two surfaces for             封严,


preventing air or fluid leakage.                         在两表面间防止空气或液体泄漏的元件。


SECTOR, A given distance between two checkpoints in    航段,


the flight plan.                                         飞行计划中,两个检查点之间的已知距离。

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