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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                    BOEING


EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE, The temperature of          排气温度,


the engine exhaust measured by thermocouples and       发动机排出气体之温度。由热电偶量出监控发动机正常


displayed by an indicator for monitoring correct engine 工作的仪表指示。




EXTRUSION, A metal unit that has been forced through 压制品,


a shaping die while it is in a thermal plastic state.  在热塑状态下,经加压通过压模而制成的金属件。


EYE REFERENCE POSITION (ERP), The optimum            目视参考位置(ERP),


pilot head position to see the airplane instruments.   飞行员观察飞机仪表的头部最佳位置。由调整座椅来达


Accomplished by adjusting the seat.                  到。




FAHRENHEIT, The unit of temperature measurement in   华氏度,


which 32 indicates the freezing point of water and 212 温度的度量单位。32°F表示水的冰点,212°F表示水的


indicates the boiling point.                         沸点。


FAIL OPERATIONAL, A system with enough               带故障工作,


redundancy that a single failure leaves the system fully 一个具有足够冗余度的系统,即使一个故障的发生,仍


operational.                                         然能保持系统完全正常的操作。


FAIL PASSIVE, A system which is designed to be not   故障消极防护,


operational for a single failure.                      一个按照设计一有故障发生,就不工作的系统。


                                     TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                  55

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FAIRING, A covering over structure providing a smooth    整流装置,


surface for airflow.                                       给气流提供光滑表面以减少阻力的覆盖性构件。


FAN (NO. 1), A rotating part of an engine, driven by the 风扇(NO.1),


low pressure turbine, for air supply to the engine and to  发动机的一个转动件。由低压涡轮驱动,用于给发动机


the duct around the front part of the engine. The fan    和及其前部管道供气。发动机推力的大部份来自风扇。

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