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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


AIRPORT ELEVATION/FIELD ELEVATION, The                     机场标高,


highest point of an airport's usable runways measured        指海平面与机场可用跑道最高点之间的距离,单位是英


in feet from mean sea level. In a few countries, the       尺。有几个国家的机场标高是由机场基准点而决定的。


airport elevation is determined at the airport reference




AIR ROUTE TRAFFIC CONTROL CENTER (ARTCC),                  空中航路交通管制中心(ARTCC ),


A facility established to provide air traffic control service 给在控制空域范围内使用仪表飞行规则飞行的飞机提


to aircraft operating on IFR flight plans within controlled 供空中交通管制服务的站台。


airspace and principally during the enroute phase of




AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL (ATC), A service operated by           空中交通管制 (ATC ),


appropriate authority to promote the safe, orderly and       由有关当局管理,旨在促进安全,秩序,和效率的空中


expeditious flow of air traffic.                           交通服务。


AIR CYCLE MACHINE, A compressor and turbine on a           涡轮冷却器,


common shaft for cooling the air in an air conditioning      是装在同一根转轴上的压气机和涡轮,用于冷却空调系


system. The air is cooled by expansion from high to low    统中的空气。空气经压气机压缩后,由热交换器移去热量,


pressure across the turbine. The compressor is driven      然后经过涡轮,令涡轮带动压气机。通过涡轮之空气,温


by the turbine.                                            度下降。


                                         TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                       4

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                      BOEING


AIR DATA COMPUTER, A computer which produces air       大气数据计算机,


data information, such as altitude and airspeed, based   根据量取压力和温度而产生大气数据资料(高度、空速


on pressure and temperature measurements.              等)的计算机。


AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL, A system comprised of             空中交通管制,


ground and airborne components used to identify, track   一个由地面设备和机载设备组成的系统。用来对飞机进

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