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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


speed schedule is based on additives to VREF.          加增量为基准。


FLARE, A maneuver to transition the airplane from      拉平,


approach to touchdown on the runway.                     一种将飞机从进近过渡到在跑道上接地的机动动作。


FLIGHT CONTROLS, Hinged moveable surfaces on the       飞行操纵面,


wings, horizontal stabilizer and vertical stabilizer for 铰连在机翼,水平尾翼和垂直尾翼上的可动面,用来


airplane control during flight and high speed ground   在飞机飞行时和高速地面操作时,控制飞机。




FLIGHT DECK EFFECTS, Indications on the flight deck    驾驶舱效应,


caused by a system's malfunction.                        因系统故障而在驾驶舱中出现的指示。


FLIGHT DIRECTOR, A system or portion of a system       飞行指引仪,


which presents commands to the flight crew for control   为机组提供控制和引导飞行用的指令的系统,或该系统


and guidance of the flight of an airplane.             之一部份。


                                      TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                    62

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                       BOEING


FLIGHT DIRECTOR POP-UP (FDS), The automatic              飞行指引仪自动显示(FDS),


display of flight director commands with flight director   当飞行指引仪的开关处于关断的位置时,自动显示的飞


switches in off position.                                行指令。


FLIGHT INFORMATION REGION (FIR,UIR), An                  飞航情报区(FIR,UIR),


airspace of defined dimensions within which Flight         一个有飞行资料服务和警告服务的范围限定的空域。


Information Service and Alerting Service are provided.


FLIGHT LEVEL (FL), A level of constant atmospheric       高度层(FL),


pressure related to a reference datum of 29.92 inches of   相对于29.92英寸汞柱参考数据的气压恒定的高度层。


mercury. Each is stated in three digits that represents  每层均以三位数表示,一百英尺为单位。如 FL 250表示


hundreds of feet. For example, flight level 250          压力高度为 25000英尺。


represents a pressure altitude of 25,000 feet.


FLIGHT MANAGEMENT COMPUTER (FMC), An                     飞行管理计算机(FMC),

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