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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


HOLDING FIX, A specified fix identifiable to a pilot by 等待定位点,


NAVAIDs or visual reference to the ground used as a     等待过程中在建立并保持飞机位置时使用的一个指定


reference point in establishing and maintaining the   定位点。飞行员可根据导航台或地面目机参考识别该定位


position of an aircraft while holding.                点。


HONEYCOMB, A hexagonal material made of metal or      蜂窝,


Nomex for sandwich construction of panels.              一种用金属或Nomex制成的六角形材料,用以制造夹芯




HORIZONTAL STABILIZER, The moveable horizontal        水平安定面,


surface of the empennage used for pitch trim.           飞机尾翼的可动水平面,用来控制俯仰配平。


HOT BATTERY BUS, A battery bus which is not           热电瓶汇流条,


switched and is always energized from the airplane      无电门控制的电瓶汇流条,始终由飞机电瓶供电。




                                      TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                   77

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                   BOEING


HUB CAP, An external covering to the axle of the main 轮榖帽,


landing gear wheels.                                  主起落架轮轴的外罩。


HYDRAULIC FUSE, A device in the hydraulic system    液压保险,


for stopping fluid flow when a leakage occurs in a line 液压系统内的一种装置。用于在保险的下游管线上发生


downstream of the fuse.                             泄漏时,阻止液压油流动。




IAS, SEE - INDICATED AIRSPEED                       指示空速,


                                                     见 Indicated Airspeed.


IGNITER (IGNITER PLUG), An electrical device for    点火器(火花塞),

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn