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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


FOREIGN OBJECT DAMAGE, Internal engine damage       外来物损坏,


due to objects entering the engine air inlet.         由进人发动机进气口的物体所引起的发动机内部  。



FRM, SEE - FAULT REPORTING MANUAL                   故障报告手册,


                                                      见Fault Reporting Manual.


FUEL CONSERVATION, The activity of planning flight  节约燃油,


altitudes and cruise speeds so as to minimize fuel    为使燃油消耗最少而对飞行高度和巡航速度的计划。




FUEL CONTROL UNIT (FCU), A component on the         燃油控制装置(FCU),


engine for controlling fuel flow for starting and engine 发动机上的一个部件。在发动机起动和运转时控制燃油


operation.                                          流量。


                                    TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                65

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                   BOEING


FUEL FLOW, The rate at which an engine consumes     燃油流量,


fuel measured in units of weight per hour.           发动机消耗燃油的速率。以每小时单位重量衡量。


FUEL HEATER, A component on the engine for heating  燃油加温器,


fuel to prevent icing conditions in the engine fuel  发动机上的一个部件,用于加热燃油以防止发动机燃油


system.                                             系统结冰。


FUEL JETTISON SYSTEM, A method for reducing        应急放燃油系统,


airplane weight by discharging fuel from the tanks to the 一种通过将油箱中的燃油向外排放以减轻飞机重量的


outside.                                           方法。

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