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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


ENGINE INDICATING AND CREW ALERTING                   发动机指示和机组警告系统 (EICAS),


SYSTEM (EICAS), A system which provides full time       一个以阳极射线管为显示器(或液晶显示器)来全时监


monitoring of airplane systems and engine performance 控飞机系统与发动机性能的系统。


displayed on a CRT.


                                      TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                   52

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                      BOEING


ENGINE PRESSURE RATIO (EPR), The ratio of inlet        发动机压力比(EPR),


pressure over exhaust pressure measurements. The         进气压力与排气压力值的比,某些发动机以此作为设


ratio is used as the primary parameter to set thrust on 定推力的主要依据。


some engines.


ENROUTE FUEL PLANNING, Determining the amount          航路燃油计划,


of fuel required to complete the remainder of a flight   在飞行途中,决定飞完余下航段所需之燃油量。


segment while airborne.


EPR, SEE - ENGINE PRESSURE RATIO                       发动机压力比,


                                                         见 Engine Pressure Ratio.


EQUALIZATION, The use of a circuit to make the         等同,


outputs of two or more devices to be the same value.     运用一个电路使两个或两个以上的装置的输出值相等。


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英汉对照民用航空词典                                       BOEING


EQUIPMENT CENTER, A compartment in the fuselage         设备中心


for storage of modules.                                   机身内用以贮存各种组件的一个舱。

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