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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

two compartments that opens to equalize pressure in   两个隔舱之间的口盖,打开后可使两舱压力相等。


the compartments.


BODY GEAR, The landing gear attached to the         机身起落架,


fuselage structure.                                   装在机身构架上的起落架。


BONDING JUMPER, An electrical connection between    搭接片,


a component and airplane structure for electrical     连接某个部件与飞机结构以形成接地的电接头。




                                    TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                 21

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                     BOEING


BOOLEAN ALGEBRA, A mathematical system for            布尔代数,


writing combinations of logical statements.             一种用于编写复合逻辑命题的数学系统。


BOOST PUMP, An electrically operated fuel pump for    增压泵,


fuel supply from the airplane fuel tank to the fuel     从飞机油箱向总油管提供燃油的电动泵。




BORESCOPE, An electro-optical device for looking at   孔探仪,


internal parts of an engine through holes in the engine. 用于通过发动机内的孔(孔探口)观察发动机内部件的


(borescope ports)                                     电光设备。


BOURDON TUBE, A curved flat tube in a pressure gage   包端管,


for moving the pointer when pressure changes inside     测压计内的弯曲扁管,管内压力的变化时它使指针移


the tube.                                             动,以指示压力。


BRACKET, To enclose or surround.                      托架,




BRAKE ENERGY LIMIT WEIGHT, The maximum                刹车能量极限重量,


takeoff weight based on the ability of the brakes to    中断起飞过程中,取决于刹车吸收预定能量之能力的最

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