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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:




RETARD, An autothrottle mode used to decrease the 拉回油门,


engine thrust to idle.                              自动油门的一种方式、用于将发动机推力减小至慢车状




REVERSION, To change to a pre-determined mode.    复原,




RHEOSTAT, An electrical device for changing the   变阻器,


resistance in an electrical circuit.                用以改变电路内电阻的电气装置。


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英汉对照民用航空词典                                     BOEING


RIB, A structural member of airfoil shape in wing,    翼肋,


stabilizer or control surface.                          机翼、安定面或操纵面内具有翼剖面形状的结构元件。


RIG PIN, A metal pin for inserting into a moveable    校装销,


component before adjusting the control cables and       在调整操纵钢索和链系之前,插在可动部件内的金属


linkage.                                              销。


RIGGING, An adjustment of airplane controls and doors 校装,


for proper operation.                                   使飞机操纵系统和舱门能正常工作而做的装配调整。


RISER, A duct in the air conditioning system for      立管,


conditioned air supply to the passenger cabin.          空调系统中,将调节好的空气送到客舱的管道。


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