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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


exclusive OR.                                          门、和异或门。


LOGO LIGHT, A spot or flood type light mounted on      标志灯,


aircraft structure and directed toward an airline LOGO or 在飞机结构上装置的聚光灯或泛光灯。用于直接照在机


other message on the fuselage or tail surface; for     身或机尾上的航空公司徽标或其他标志上,在夜航时照亮


visibility during hours of darkness.                   这些标志。


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英汉对照民用航空词典                                   BOEING


LONGERON, A structural component in the horizontal  大梁,


direction of the fuselage or nacelle.                 机身或短舱上水平方向的结构部件。


LONG RANGE CRUISE (LRC), Cruise speed that is       远程巡航速度,


associated with fuel conservation, producing fuel     一个与节省燃油有关的巡航速度。在此巡航速度下,每


mileage one percent less than the maximum fuel      一单位燃油所能飞的哩程,比最大的燃油量航程小百分之


mileage available.                                  一。


LONGITUDINAL AXIS, An axis passing through the      纵轴,


airplane's center of gravity, from front to rear.     由机头至机尾贯穿机身重心的轴。


LOST MOTION DEVICE, A mechanism which does not      空回装置,


operate a component following initial movement of     在控制输人初始动作后,即不再操作部件的机制。用于


control input.                                      飞行操纵系统内,以防飞机指令互相牵制。


LOUVER, An opening with slots allowing the passage of 百叶窗,


air.                                                  让空气流通的有多条缝的开口。


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