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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


FULL FLIGHT SIMULATION (FFS): A flight training     全动飞行模拟机(FFS),


device that incorporates full visual and motion systems 一种飞行训练器。它综合了完整的视景和运动系统,以


and specific model airplane.                       及具体的机型。


FULL-WAVE RECTIFIER, An electronic circuit which    全波整流器,


changes an alternating current signal into a pulsating 用来将交流电信号变成脉冲直流电信号的电路。


direct current signal.




GAGE, A component for showing quantity, pressure, or 计量仪,


temperature by a pointer or numeric display.          由指针或数字显示出数量,压力或温度的部件。


GAGE PRESSURE, Pressure measured in pounds per     表压,


square inch gauge (psig).                            单位是(每平方英寸若干磅(psig)磅/平方英寸的计




GALVANIC CORROSION, A form of corrosion caused      电解腐蚀,


by the contact of dissimilar metals.                   一种由于不同种金属的接触所产生的腐蚀。


                                    TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                66

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                   BOEING


GASKET, A seal between two flat surfaces.           密封垫,




GASPER AIR, An individual air supply for each       乘客用空气,


passenger. The air outlets are in the Passenger Service 给每位乘客的单个空气供给。供气口装在乘客服务设备


Units and can be individually controlled for the amount 内,个别调节供气口可控制空气的量和方向。


and direction of supply.


GATE (NO. 1), Airport location used for             登机门,


loading/unloading passengers.                         机场内用于乘客上下飞机的通道。


GATE (NO. 2), SEE - LOGIC GATE                      逻辑门,

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn