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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


stopped before the airplane lifts off the ground.       在飞机离地前被停止的起飞。


REGULATING VALVE, A valve for controlling pressure    调节活门,


or flow.                                                用以控制压力或流量的活门。


RELAXED, The state of an electrical component or      释放状态,


switch that is deenergized.                              电器部件或电门处于关闭或没有通电的状态。


RELAY, A switching device in which the contacts are   继电器,


opened or closed in response to separate current or     一种电门装置,其接触点随着单独的电流或电压开路或


voltage.                                              闭合。


RELIEF VALVE, A valve which prevents high pressure    释压活门,


in a system by venting the system to ambient.           通过将系统与外界相通,以防系统内压力过高的活门。


                                      TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                   124

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                 BOEING


RESERVES, The required fuel remaining on-board after 备用燃油,


arriving at the destination airport as determined by 照规定,飞机在到达目标机场后,机上需要的剩余的燃


regulations.                                      油。


RESERVOIR, A container for storage of fluid.      储液箱,




RESTRICTOR, An orifice for reducing the flow and  限流器,


pressure of a fluid.                                用以减低液体流量和压力的量孔。


RESTRICTOR CHECK VALVE, Same as restrictor but    限流单向活门,


allowing flow in one direction only.                一个与限流器类似,但仅允许流体向单一方向流动的活

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn