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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


of other metals to change the properties of the basic  在金属中加人少量其他金属,而改变其性质的一种金属


metal.                                               混合物。


ALPHA SPEED, Minimum airplane speed.                 迎角速度,




ALPHA VANE, A small moveable airfoil on the side of  迎角叶片,


the fuselage transmitting airplane angle relative to   位于机身侧的可动小翼面。为失速警告系统传输飞机对


airstream for the stall warning system.              气流的相对角度。


ALTERNATE, To change from one condition to another.  交替,




ALTERNATE , An additional airport selected during    备降场,


flight planning, usually near the destination airport, to be 制订飞行计划时,除了目标机场之外,所选的另一个机


used when it is desirable to divert from the original 场。通常在目标机场附近,以备不去目标机场时,改降之


destination airport.                                 用。


                                     TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                  7

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                    BOEING


ALTERNATE AERODROME, An aerodrome to which           备用机场,


an aircraft may proceed when it becomes either         当不可能或不适宜在预选机场着陆时,可作着陆使用的


impossible or inadvisable to proceed to or land at the 机场。


aerodrome of intended landing.


ALTIMETER SETTING, The adjustment of the altimeter   高度表设定,


to account for local variations in atmospheric pressure. 根据当地大气压力变化而对高度表所做的调整。


ALTITUDE ACQUIRE, A digital flight control system    高度截获,


mode to transition from climb (or descend) to level flight. 一种数字式飞行操纵系统,从爬升(或下降)改平的模

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