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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


airplane computer used for navigational, guidance, and     用于导航,指引,和性能计算的飞机计算机。


performance computations.


FLIGHT MODE ANNUNCIATOR, A display or part of a          飞行方式信号牌,


display that shows the autoflight mode of operation.       显示自动飞行方式的显示或部份显示。


FLIGHT PLAN, Specified information relating to the       飞行计划,


intended flight of an aircraft, field orally or in writing with 向空中交通管制作的口头或书面报告。内含与航班有关


an ATC facility.                                         的详细资料。


FLIGHT PROFILE, A description of the flight which        飞行剖面,


specifies the climb, cruise and descent altitudes and      对一个航班的描述。详细指明爬升,巡航和下降所飞的


speeds to be flown.                                      高度和速度。


                                       TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                      63

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                      BOEING


FLIGHT SPOILER, See Spoiler.                           飞行扰流板,




FLOAT SWITCH, An electrical switch which opens or      浮子电门,


closes an electrical circuit depending on fluid quantity in 根据贮液箱内液体的量来接通或断开电路的一种电器


the reservoir.                                         开关。


FLIGHT TRAINING DEVICE: Any device having a full       飞行培训设备,


scale replace of instruments, flight deck area or an     仿仪表、驾驶舱区、或封闭驾驶舱的任何设施仿真装置。


enclosed airplane cockpit includes the equipment and   包括可体现飞机地面和空中状态的设备和程序。


programs necessary to represent the airplane in ground


and flight conditions.


FLOAT VALVE, A valve in a fluid reservoir which opens  浮子活门,

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn