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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


provides the major portion of engine thrust.


FAN (NO. 2), A device consisting of one or more          风扇(NQ.2),


revolving blades attached to a rotary hub and operated     安装在由马达驱动的旋转轮壳上的一片或多片旋转桨


by a motor. Fans are usually used to provide cooling or  叶所组成的装置。通常用来提供冷却或空气循环。


air circulation.


FAN AIR, The portion of airflow through a turbofan       风扇气流,


engine which passes only through the fan.                  在涡轮风扇发动机中,仅仅通过风扇的那部分气流。


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英汉对照民用航空词典                                     BOEING


FAN COWL, A covering around the fan section of the    风扇整流罩,


engine that can be opened for access to the             在发动机风扇周围的可卸盖壳,打开后可以够到发动


components on the engine.                             机部件。


FASTENER, A mechanical device such as a bolt, nail,   紧固件,


rivet or screw that is used to tie two objects together. 用来将两个物体连接起来的机械装置。如螺栓,钉子,




FATIGUE OR FATIGUE FAILURE, The failure of a          疲劳或疲劳断裂,


material because of bending, flexing or severe vibration 因弯曲或剧烈振动力所造成的材料断裂。




FAULT ISOLATION MANUAL (FIM), A manual which          故障隔离手册 (FIM),


contains procedures for isolating and correcting        内含隔离并排除飞机故障程序的手册。供航空公司维修


reported airplane faults. Used by airline mechanics.  机械员使用。


FAULT REPORTING MANUAL (FRM), A manual used           故障报告手册(FRM),


by flight crews to aid in reporting airplane system     机组使用的一本手册。用以帮助他们报告飞机系统的故


malfunctions.                                         障。


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