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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


accurate position and velocity information, and precise    统不受天气的影响,并提供世界通用性座标系统。全球定


time, on a continuous global basis, to an unlimited        位系统概念以系统中每个卫星具备相对于发射卫星与用


number of properly equipped users. The system is           户之间的时间和距离的准确且连续的空间位置信息之原


unaffected by weather, and provides a worldwide            则为基础。全球定位系统自动从所见卫星选择合适信号,


common grid reference system. The GPS concept is           并将这些信号转译成三维空间位置、速率、和时间。


predicated upon accurate and continuous knowledge of


the spatial position of each satellite in the system with


respect to time and distance from a transmitting satellite


to the user. The GPS receiver automatically selects


appropriate signals from the satellite in view and


translates these into a three-dimensional position,


velocity, and time.


GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) (No. 2), A                 全球定位系统(GPS)(NO. ),



longrange navigation system that takes navigation input      一种使用一系列同步卫星所发射的信号作为导航输人


from transmissions generated by a series of satellites in  的长距离导航系统。


synchronous orbit.




An "umbrella" term adopted by the International Civil        是国际民航组织采用的“伞形” 术语。它包括飞行员


Aviation Organization (ICAO) to encompass any              在飞行中根据卫星资料做位置判断而使用的任何独立卫


independent satellite navigation system used by a pilot    星导航系统。


to perform onboard position determinations from the


satellite data.


O-AROUND (GA), Airplane maneuver where the pilot is        复飞(GA),


in the final approach phase of flight and decides not to     飞行员在最后进近阶段,决定不落地而做的机动动作。


land. Thrust is applied and the landing gear retracted so  复飞时需加油门,收起落架,以使飞机爬升至安全高度。


as to climb the airplane to a safe altitude.


GO-AROUND THRUST, Maximum engine thrust to be              复飞推力,


used during the Go-Around Maneuver.                             飞机复飞期间使用的最大发动机推力。

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn