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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


WATT, The basic unit of electrical power.             瓦特 (瓦),




WAYPOINT, A predetermined geographical position       航路点,


used to define a route. The waypoint is usually defined 用于决定航线的预定地理位置。通常用经、纬度来表示。


in terms of latitude and longitude.


WEB, The portion of a beam or channel that has been   腹板,


installed between the top and bottom flanges. Its prime 梁的横截面。常见于上横梁与下横梁连接成工字形。主


purpose is to furnish strength.                       要作用是受力。


WHEEL SPIN UP, Rotational acceleration of the landing 机轮加速,


gear wheels at landing touchdown.                       飞机着陆接地时,起落架轮子的旋转加速度。


WHEEL WELL, A part of the airplane for storage of the 轮舱,


landing gear (undercarriage) after retraction.          飞机的一部份,用以在起落架收起之后,收藏起落架的




                                     TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                   170

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                      BOEING


WIND COMPONENT, The effective wind relative to the     风向量,


horizontal axes of the airplane.                         相对于飞机水平轴的有效风。


WINDSHEAR, A change in wind speed and/or direction     风切变,


in a short distance resulting in a tearing or shearing   短距离内风力或风向的改变而形成的撕拉力和剪切力。


effect. It can exist in a horizontal or vertical direction and 可发生在水平方向或垂直方向,有时会在两个方向上同时


occasionally in both.                                  出现。


WING CHORD PLANE, A reference plane from the tip       翼弦平面,


of the leading edge to the tip of the trailing edge of the 通过机翼前缘顶端和后缘顶端的参考平面。

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