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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


TORSION, Twisting of a material or part caused by     扭曲,


external stress.                                        物体受外应力的作用所产生的扭转。


TORSION LINK, A hinged linkage connecting the inner   扭力臂,


and outer cylinders of a shock strut.                   减震支柱的内筒与外筒之间,用以防止活塞旋转的铰链




TOTAL AIR TEMPERATURE, Ambient or static air          空气全温,


temperature plus the rise of temperature due to the ram 环境温度或静空气的温度,和由于高速飞行的冲击效应


effect of high speed flight.                          而引起的温度的升高的总和。


TOTAL PRESSURE, Pressure higher than ambient          总压,


pressure due to air flow, measured in pounds per        由于空气流动而高于环境压力的压力。常用磅/平方英


square inch (psi).                                    寸 (psi)来度量。


TOTAL TEMPERATURE, Temperature higher than            全温,


ambient temperature due to the compression of air flow, 由于气流的压缩而高于环境温度的空气温度。用摄氏


measured in degrees Celsius (C), or degrees            (°C)或华氏(°F)来量度。


Fahrenheit (F).


TOUCHDOWN, The point at which an aircraft first       接地,


makes contact with the runway.                          飞机降落时,飞机最先接触跑道的一刻。


                                     TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                   157

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                       BOEING


TOUCHDOWN ZONE ELEVATION (TDZE), The                     接地区标高(TDZE),


highest elevation in the first 3,000 feet of the landing   跑道头端3,000英尺的最高标高。


航空翻译 www.aviation.cn