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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


LAP JOINT, An overlapping sheet of metal, joined to the 搭接,


edge of another sheet in aircraft structure.          飞机结构中与相邻金属薄板连接的重选金属薄板。


LASER GYRO, A gyro which uses two laser light beams 激光陀螺仪,


to measure angular rotation.                          一种由两条激光光束来测量旋转角速度的陀螺仪。


LATCH, A device for fastening or locking.           闩,




LATERAL AXIS, An axis passing through the airplane's 横轴,


center of gravity, from wingtip to wingtip.           通过飞机重心从一侧翼尖通向另一侧翼尖的轴。


LATERAL NAVIGATION, An autoflight mode in which     水平导航,


the FMCS is used to control the airplane roll.        使用飞行管理计算机系统控制飞机横侧的一种自动飞




LATITUDE, Measurement north or south of the equator 纬度,


in degrees, minutes, and seconds. For INS equipped    地球上与赤道平行之弧线。由赤道以北或以南度、分、


aircraft in degrees, minutes and tenth of minutes.  秒度量。对于有惯性导航系统的飞机则以度,分,和十等




LEAD ACID BATTERY, An electrical device for         铅酸电瓶,


changing stored chemical energy into direct current.  将贮存的化学能转变为直流电的电气设备。它使用铅,


Uses lead, lead oxide and sulphuric acid.           氧化铅,和硫酸。


                                    TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                 90

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                      BOEING


LEADING EDGE, The front edge of a wing, stabilizer or  前缘,


control surface.                                         机翼,安定面或操纵面的前部边缘。

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