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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


SPIN BRAKE, A device in the nosewheel well for     停转制动器,


stopping the wheel rotation after retraction.        前轮舱内用在起落架收起后不让前轮再转动的装置。


SPINNER, An aerodynamic fairing attached to the fan of 旋转罩,


a turbofan engine.                                   固定在涡轮风扇发动机的风扇上的气动整流罩。


SPLICE (NO. 1), A connection of two airplane skin  拼接,


sections.                                            飞机蒙皮与蒙皮之间的连接。


SPLICE (NO. 2), An electrical connection between two 铰接,


wires.                                               两根电线之间的电接头。


                                    TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                140

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                     BOEING


SPOILER, A hinged moveable panel on top of the wing.  扰流板,




        Flight spoiler- assists ailerons for airplane roll


                    (wing up and wing down) control       飞行扰流板一功用有二。一、协助副翼来操纵飞机


                    and for aerodynamic braking in                      的滚转。二、用以在飞行中或地面滑


                    flight or on the ground.                            跑时作为减速器。


        Ground spoiler-for aerodynamic braking on the     地面扰流板一仅在地面时作为减速器。


                      ground only.


SPRING LOADED, A condition in which one part of a     弹簧加载的,

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn