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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


NEUTRAL SHIFT SENSOR, A sensor used for             中立变换探测器,


detecting the elevator and stabilizer trim condition. 用于探测升降舵和安定面配平状况的传感器。


NET PERFORMANCE, Aircraft gross performance         净性能,


degraded by an amount determined by the local          以飞机总性能减去由当地有关单位为了使性能计算


governing agency for conservative calculation       较为保守所定的一个量后所得的性能。




NICKEL-CADMIUM BATTERY, An electrical device for   镍镉电瓶,


changing stored chemical energy into direct current. 将储存的化学能变为直流电的电器元件。它使用氢氧化


Uses nickel hydroxide, cadmium hydroxide and       镍、氢氧化镉和氢氧化钾。


potassium hydroxide.


NOBLE, A term used to explain the properties of some 惰性,


elements that are chemically inert or inactive.      用于解释有些元素不易起化学作用的特性的名词。


NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURE, A flight path and        降低噪声程序,


climb profile designed to limit noise in the airport area. 一种为降低机场地区噪声而设计的飞行航迹和爬升剖




NOMEX, Material similar to paper for honeycomb      NOMEX,


construction. (Nomex is a trade name.)               是一种类似纸的材料,用以制作蜂窝结构。(NOMEX




NON-RETURN VALVE, A valve allowing flow in only     单向活门,


one direction.                                       只允许向一个方向流动的活门。


                                    TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                105

----------------------- Page 107-----------------------

英汉对照民用航空词典                                     BOEING


NONDIRECTIONAL BEACON (NDB), A radio beacon           无方向信标(NDB),


which transmits nondirectional signals whereby the pilot 发射无方向信号的无线电信标台。据此飞行员能够用自


can use the ADF to determine his bearing to or from the 动定向仪 (ADF )确定他的背台或向台方位。

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn