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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


SLANT RANGE, The line-of-sight distance between two  斜距,


points not at the same elevation.                      不在同一高度的两点之间的直线距离。


SLAT, A moveable part on the leading edge of the wing 缝翼,


for increasing lift at low airplane speeds.            用以在低速飞行时增加飞机升力的机翼前缘可动部件。


                                     TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                  137

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                   BOEING


SLOPE, The amount of incline a runway surface has  斜度,


relative to absolute level.                          跑道表面相对于平面的倾斜量。


SLUSH, Runway contamination made up of a mixture of 雪泥,


water, snow and ice.                                 积在跑道上含有冰、雪、和水的混合污染物。


SMALL COMPUTER SYSTEM INTERFACE, An input          小型计算机系统接口,


and output bus that provides a standard interface    一个能在计算机与周围装置设施之间供给统一接口的


between a computer and peripheral devices.         输人和输出总线。


SMOKE DETECTOR, A device whereby the flight crew   烟雾探测器,


can be made aware of smoke or fire in specific areas of 在机舱或任何指定区域内能测到烟雾或火并报知机组


the aircraft.                                      人员的装置。


SNUBBER, A part of a hydraulic actuator that slows 缓冲器,


piston speed by restricting flow.                    液压作动筒中具有节流孔的部份。这些小孔能通过限制




SOFTWARE, The stored instructions that control the 软件,


operations of a computer.                            储存在计算机的指令程序。用来控制计算机系统的工



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