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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                     BOEING


SUMMATION UNIT, An electronic component for           燃油总和器,


adding fuel quantities in all tanks sending a signal to the 将所有燃油箱内的燃油量相加,并将总油量用信号传至


total fuel quantity display.                          油量显示器的电子部件。


SUMP, A lowest point in the engine oil system or fuel 集油槽,


tank.                                                   发动机滑油系统内,或燃油箱内的最低点。


SUPPLEMENTAL DATA, Additional data stored in the      增补数据,


FMC memory, supplementing the loaded navigation         飞行管理计算机存储器中的附加数据。用于补充导航数


data base.                                            据库。


SUPPLEMENTARY MODES, Additional digital flight        辅助方式,


control system modes that are available, used when      附加的数字飞行控制系统方式,当偏离正常方式时使


deviating from normal modes.                          用。


SURGE, A sudden change in the airflow through the     喘振,


compressor resulting in the compressor not being able     由于通过发动机的压气机的气流的突然改变,而导致


to compress the airflow.                              压气机不能压缩空气的现象。


SWAGE, To squeeze together two or more items to       陷型模,


form a permanent unit. Example: a lead or steel piece   挤压两件或两件以上的物体来制造一件永久性的元件。


on a cable which forms a stop or camlike unit. Also to 例如:一块铅或钢在钢索上形成一个止动器或凸轮之类的


reduce the diameter of tubing.                        元件。也可作减小管道的直径之用。


SWITCH, A device which changes the condition of an    开关;


electrical system from on/off or open/close.              改变电气系统通/断或开/关的装置。


                                     TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                   147

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