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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


published Glide slope/path Intercept Altitude, it is the


resultant actual point of the glide slope/path intercept.


FINAL APPROACH, That part of an instrument                 最后进近,


approach procedure which commences at the specified          是仪表进近程序的一部分,始于指定的最后进近定位点


final approach fix or point, or where such a fix or point is 或最后进近点,或者未加指定的一个定位点。


not specified.


FIRE WALL, A fireproof partition or bulkhead between       防火墙,


the engine and the airplane structure.                       位于发动机与飞机结构之间的耐火隔板。


FIX, A geographical position determined by visual          定位点,


reference to the surface, by reference to one or more        由相对于表面的目视参考决定的地理位置,也可以由参


radio NAVAIDs, by celestial plotting, or by another        照一个或多个导航台,天文导航,或其他导航装置来决定。


navigational device.


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英汉对照民用航空词典                                   BOEING


FIXED BASE SIMULATION (FBS), A flight training      固定模拟机 (FBS),


device that is identical to the FFS except there is no 除了没有视景和动感之外,其他特点与全动模拟机相同


visual or motion system.                            的飞行训练设备。


FLAG (NO. 1), A failure indication on a display.    故障旗,




FLAG (NO. 2), In a computer, an indication that a   标志,


particular operation has been completed.              在计算机中某一个操作程序完成的指示。


FLAME ARRESTOR, A device in the fuel system vent    火焰阻止器,


lines for preventing a flame from outside entering the 燃油系统通气管内的一个装置。用于防止火焰从外部


tank.                                               进人油箱。

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