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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


AXIAL FLOW COMPRESSOR, A type of compressor            轴流压缩机,


used in a gas turbine engine in which air passes through 一种用于燃气涡轮发动机内的压气机。空气由发动机的


the compressor in a straight flow, front to rear.      前部轴向流人,压缩后,由后部流出。


AXIS, An imaginary straight line or an actual physical 轴线,


component (such as an axle) around which a body can      可让物体围绕着作旋转运动的一个想像的直线或实际


rotate.                                                存在的部件(如轴)。


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英汉对照民用航空词典                                    BOEING




BACKCOURSE APPROACH, An approach to a runway         反航道进近,


which is opposite the normal approach. For a           与正常进近相反的进近方向。当反航道进近时,无下滑


backcourse approach, glide slope signals are not     道信号并且航道信号也必须逆反。


available and the sense of localizer signals must be




BACKGROUND DATA, Data shown on the EFIS that         背景数据,


does not readily change, for example, navigational aids. 显示在电子飞行仪表系统上不经常改变的数据。例如:




BAFFLE, A partition in a tank or reservoir to prevent 缓冲隔板,


fluid movement in the tank or reservoir.               在燃油箱或滑油箱内阻止液体流动的隔板。


BALANCE TAB, A small hinged moveable part on the     随动补偿片,


trailing edge of a control surface (aileron, elevator, 铰接在操纵面后缘(副翼,方向舵,升降舵)的可动部。


rudder).The tab moves in an opposite direction to the 随动补偿片的动作方向与操纵面相反,以帮助操纵面运


control surface for assisting movement of the control 动,减小操纵力。




                                     TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                  16

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