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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


TRANSLATING COWL, The movable outer portion of        平移整流罩,


the thrust reverser cowl which is operated during       反推过程中使用的反推整流罩外面的可动部份。


reverse thrust.


TRANSMITTER, An electrical component for sending      发射机,


information from one location to another.               将信息从一处发至另一处的电气部件。


TRANSPONDER, A radio transmitter-receiver which       应答机,


transmits identifiable signals automatically when the   在收到合适询问后,能自动发射可识别信号的无线电收


proper interrogation is received.                     发机。


TRIM, The adjustment of engine and airplane controls  配平,


for a balanced condition of operation.                  为使发动机和飞机在平衡的状况下工作而做的发动机




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英汉对照民用航空词典                                       BOEING


TRIM TAB, A small hinged movable part on the trailing   配平调整片,


edge of a control surface (aileron, rudder) (see TAB).    铰连在副翼和方向舵等操纵面后缘的可动部份。


TRIP FUEL, The total fuel consumed from brake release   航班燃油,


through climb, cruise, and descent, to landing at         一个航班由松刹车开始,经过爬升、巡航和下降,到


destination.                                            在目的地着陆为止,所耗的全部燃油。


TRU, SEE -TRANSFORMER RECTIFIER UNIT                    变压整流装置,


                                                          见Transformer Rectifier Unit.


TRUE AIRSPEED(TAS), The actual speed of the             真空速(TAS);

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