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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


CELSIUS, A temperature scale in which zero is the      摄氏度(°C),


freezing point of water and 100 is the boiling point of  温度的度量单位。在此单位中,0°C表示水的冰点,


water.                                                 100°C表示沸点。


CENTER OF GRAVITY, The balance point of an object      重心


or rigid structure expressed in terms of percent Mean    物体或刚性结构的平衡点,以平均气动力弦的百分比或


Aerodynamic Chord or in inches from a reference point. 距某一参考点若干英寸来表示。


CENTERING CAM, A cam for moving a mechanism to a       回中凸轮,


neutral position.                                        将机构移向中立位置的凸轮。


CERTIFIED CONFIGURATION, A configuration of the        合格的装机状态,


aircraft approved for operation by the local governing   由当地主管单位批准使用的飞机装机状态。




CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT, In a computer or              中央处理器,


digital circuit, the section containing the arithmetic and 计算机或数字电路中含有运算,逻辑,控制和内部存


logic,control, and internal memory circuits.           储电路的部分。


CENTRIFUGAL FLOW COMPRESSOR, A type of                 离心式压气机,


compressor in which air is taken into the center of the  压气机的一种。当进气到达叶轮中心时,被叶轮离心抛


impeller and is slung outward centrifugally into a diffuser 出进人扩散器。在扩散器中气体流速减慢,压力增加。


where it is slowed and pressure is increased.


CG, SEE - CENTER OF GRAVITY                            重心,


                                                         见Center of Gravity


                                      TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                    28

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                 BOEING


CHANGEOVER, Conversion from one mode to another. 转换,



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