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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                   BOEING


DRAG, The aerodynamic related force on an aircraft  阻力,


during flight acting in the direction opposite aircraft 飞行时作用在飞机上的一种气动力,其方向与飞机运


motion.                                             动方向相反。


DRAG BRACE, A component on the main landing gear    阻力撑杆,


for support of the shock strut.                       主起落架上用以支持减震支柱的部件。


DRAG STRUT, A component on the nose or main         阻力撑杆柱,


landing gear for support of the shock strut.            前或主起落架上用以支持减震支柱的部件。


DRAIN VALVE, A valve for removing fluid from a      放泄活门,


reservoir.                                            从贮存箱往外排放液体的活门。


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英汉对照民用航空词典                                    BOEING


DRAWING, Information presented in a graphic form.    图,




DRIFT ANGLE, An angle computed by subtracting the    偏流角,


airplane heading from the airplane track.              飞机的航向与飞机的航迹的差角。


DRIFTDOWN, The loss of aircraft altitude caused by the 飘降,


loss of power in one or more engines and the inability of 由于一台或数台发动机失去推力,飞机不能保持现时


the aircraft to maintain current altitude and speed. 高度和速度而导致的飞机掉高度。


DIPSTICK, A component located in the bottom skin of  量油尺,


the fuel tank for measuring fuel quantity in the airplane 位于飞机燃油箱底部的蒙皮内,用以量取燃油油量的


tank.                                                部件。

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn