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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


CHARGING VALVE, A valve for supplying air or fluid to 加添活门,


a reservoir.                                       用来向储存器充气或加液的活门。


CHECK VALVE, A valve allowing flow in only one   单向活门,


direction. See Non-Return Valve.                   仅容许单向流动的活门。见 Non-Return Valve。


CHECKSUM, In a computer, a summation of digits or 总和校验,


bits which are primarily used for error detection. 计算机中,把那些用来探测错误的数宇或位数的总和进




CHIP DETECTOR, A magnetic plug in sumps of       金属碎屑探测器,


lubricated components for detection of internal failure of 装在被润滑的部件滑油回油管路上的磁性塞子。用来探


the component.                                   测部件内部有无损坏。


CHORD, A structural component of spars or frames. 翼弦,




                                  TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                              29

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CIRCUIT, A closed path through which current flows       电路,


from a source, through various components, and back        一个闭合的回路。电流由源头流出,经过各个元件流回


to the source.                                           源头。


CIRCUIT BREAKER, A device that automatically             跳开关,


interrupts the flow of electricity (current) during fault  能在故障情况下自动中断电流以保护线路不受过电损


condition to protect wiring from excess current. Circuit 坏的装置。跳开关也可用于人工使系统无效。


breakers are also used as a means to manually


deactivate the system.


CLEARWAY 1, An area beyond the takeoff end of the        一号净空道,


runway which is clear of all non-frangible objects which   是跑道起飞端以外,不含任何刚体障碍物的区域。在计


may be used as takeoff distance available when           算起飞重量时该区域可作为可用起飞距离。

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn