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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


transferring motion from one place to another.         将运动由一处转至另一处的部件。


TRANSFORMER, An electrical device which uses         变压器,


electromagnetic induction to transfer electrical energy 一种利用电磁感应,将电能从一个电路转换到另一个电


from one circuit to another circuit.                 路的电器装置。


TRANSFORMER RECTIFIER UNIT, An electronic            变压整流器,


device for changing alternating current to direct current 用来将交流电变为直流电供给飞机电气系统的电子装


to supply airplane electrical systems.               置。


TRANSIENT, A momentary surge on a signal or power    瞬变,


line. It may produce false signals or triggering pulses 信号或输电线上的瞬间电涌。这种电涌常会产生一些错


and cause component breakdowns or failures.          误信号或触发脉冲,造成部件故障或损坏。


TRANSISTOR, A solid state electronic component for   晶体管,


use in electrical circuits. It consists of a base, collector 电路内使用的固态电子部件。通常具有三极:基极、集


and emitter. Two types of transistors are PNP and NPN. 电极、和发射极。有以下两种:


                                                         PNP  (正负正)基极电位低于发射极。


                                                         NPN  (负正负)基极电位高于集电极。


                                     TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                  159

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                     BOEING


TRANSITION, To change from one phase of flight to     过渡,


another.                                                从一个飞行阶段转成另一个飞行阶段。


TRANSITION ALTITUDE, The altitude at which the        过渡高度,


altimeter setting is changed.                           改变高度表设定时的飞机高度。

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