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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


STATIC AIR TEMPERATURE (SAT or OAT), Ambient         静温(SAT or OAT),


or outside air temperature.                            环境空气或外界空气的温度。


STATIC PORT, A small hole in the fuselage for sensing 静压口,


static pressure for airplane instruments.              位于机身外表,用来为飞机仪表感应静压的小孔。


STATIC PRESSURE, Pressure in the air or fluid at rest 静压,


measured in pounds per square inch.                    静止状态的空气或液体的压力。用磅/平方英寸来度量。


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STATION, A vertical reference plane along the fuselage   站位,


for measurements along the fuselage.                       用以沿机身方向度量的垂直基准平面。


STATOR, The stationary section of the compressor         定子,


between the compressor stages in the jet engine.           喷气发动机压气机各级之间的不转动的部份。


STEERING ACTUATOR, A hydraulic actuator on the           转弯作动筒,


landing gear shock strut for steering (moving) the         一个在起落架减震支柱上,用以使前轮左右转弯的液压


nosewheel left or right.                                 作动简。


STEERING TILLER, A hand-operated lever in the            前轮转弯手柄,


control cabin for steering (moving) the nosewheel left or  驾驶舱内用来使前轮左右转弯的手柄。




STICK NUDGER, A device to push the control column        自动推杆器,


forward just before a stall occurs.                        在失速前能将驾驶杆向前推的装置。


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英汉对照民用航空词典                                      BOEING

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