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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


                                         TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                        70

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                     BOEING


GRADIENT, The ratio of height gained or lost in a given 梯度,


distance to the distance travelled.                     在给定的距离内,获得或失去的高度与所经过的距离之




GRAPHITE, A strong, light material made from carbon   石墨,


for access panels, landing gear doors and flight        一种由碳纤维所制成的强而轻的材料。用以制造舱口


controls.                                             盖,起落架舱门和飞行操纵面。


GREAT CIRCLE ROUTE, Is the shortest distance          大圆弧航线,


between two points on the earth's surface. It is the line 地球表面两点之间的最短距离是以地球中心为圆心,在


formed by the surface of the earth on a plane that    起飞点和着陆点间所形成的弧线。由大圆弧航线形成的真


passes thru the center of the earth, the departure point, 航迹不断改变。在兰伯特等角曲线投影上画的直线接近大


and the destination location. The true course formed by 圆弧航线。


a great circle route constantly changes. A straight line


drawn on a Lambert Conformal Conic Projection


approximates a great circle route.


GROSS PERFORMANCE, Actual or measured                 总性能,


performance of the airplane.                            飞机实际的或量得的性能。


GROSS WEIGHT (GW), Total weight of the entire         全重(GW),


airplane, fuel, oil, cargo, passenger, etc.             整架飞机的重量。包括飞机,燃油,滑油,货物,和乘




GROUND, A part of an electrical circuit or system that 地线,


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