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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:




                                      TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                    12

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英汉对照民用航空词典                                      BOEING


ARC, The curved track over the ground of an aircraft   弧线,


flying at a constant distance from a measuring             飞机在围绕DME台等距飞行时的弧形航迹。


equipment (DME).


AREA NAVIGATION/RNAV, A method of navigation           区域导航,


that permits aircraft operations on any desired course   容许飞机飞行在有电台参考的导航信号或自备系统能


within the coverage of station-referenced navigation   力极限范围内,飞行任何预定航线的一种导航方法。


signals or within the limits of self-contained system




ARTIFICIAL FEEL, A force developed in the flight       模拟感觉,


control or brake system for opposing or restricting      在飞行操纵系统或刹车系统中所产生的一种用以抗拒


movement.                                              动作或限制动作的力。


ASPIRATED TAT PROBE, A sensor that measures total      吸气式总温探头,


air temperature when the airplane is in the air and that 用来测量飞机在空中时的总大气温度和在地面时的外


measures outside air temperature when the airplane is  界温度。地面外界温度的测量是利用引气将外界空气吸入


on the ground. The outside air temperature is measured 探头,以达到测量的目的。


by using bleed air to draw ambient air through the


sensor when the airplane is not moving.


ASSEMBLY, The fitting together of a complete structure 装配,


or unit.                                                 组合成一个完整的结构或组件的过程。


ASSUMED TEMPERATURE REDUCED THRUST, The                由假设温度而得的减推力,


lower thrust obtained by setting a higher than actual    在选择起飞推力设定值时,假定一个比实际外界空气温


Outside Air Temperature (OAT).                         度高的温度而得到的推力。用这种方法可以减少发动机的

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