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时间:2011-06-19 10:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


rotation begins in order to achieve a speed of V2 at 35    在该速度下飞机抬轮开始以便在跑道上空35英尺时达


feet above the runway.                                   到V2速度。


VREF The reference speed at the 50 foot height in a      VREF,


normal landing. This speed is generally equal to 1.3       飞机正常着陆时,高度50英尺时的基准速度。通常是飞


times the stall speed in the landing configuration.      机在着陆形态时的失速速度的1.3倍。


VTK, SEE - VERTICAL TRACK                                垂直航迹,


                                                           见Vertical Track.


                                       TECHNICAL DICTIONARY                                      168

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英汉对照民用航空词典                               BOEING




WALKING BEAM, A mechanical component attached to 动梁,


the main landing gear and a hinged support which helps 主起落架上,一端连在减震支柱上,另一端连在铰接支


the actuator during retraction of the main gear. 撑上,用以协助作动筒收主起落架的机械部件。


WATER LINE, A horizontal reference plane along the 水线,


fuselage for vertical measurements of the airplane. 沿着机身展向,用以量取垂直方向的距离(或长度)的




WATER SEPARATOR, A component in the air        除水器,


conditioning system for removing water from the air 空调系统内,用以在空气循环机的空气下游除去空气中


downstream of the air cycle machine.           的水份的部件。


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英汉对照民用航空词典                                     BOEING

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn