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EATM glossary of terms 欧洲空管管理术语词典

时间:2011-08-27 23:38来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

Accounting Management enables charges to be established for the use of resources, and for costs to be identified for the use of those resources. Accounting management includes functions to inform users of costs incurred or resources consumed, enable accounting limits to be set and tariff schedules to be associated with the use of resources, and enable costs to be combined where multiple resources are invoked to achieve a given communications objective.
Accuracy of own performance on the tasks with the aid of the adaptive automation.
The degree of conformance between the estimated or measured position and/or velocity and/or time flat a platform and its true position and/or velocity and the true time. Radio navigation system accuracy is usually presented as a statistical measure of system error and is specified as: a) Predictable -the accuracy of a radio navigation system's position solution with respect to the chartered solution. Both the position solution and the chart must be based upon the same geodetic datum. B) Repeatable - the accuracy with which a user can return to a position whose co-ordinates have been measured at a previous time with the same navigation system. C) Relative - the accuracy with which a user can measure position relative to that of another user of the same navigation system at the same time.
Achieved Warning Time The actual warning time provided by the alert. Acknowledge(ment) message Notification that a given communication has been correctly received and understood. Acknowledgement Controller sourced message that is associated with a previous non-conformance warning or reminder message. Although these messages may serve to signify the controller’s recognition of the warned or reminded situation - the use of such messages will depend on particular cases. Across Track Acceleration The product of the value of the Ground Speed and the time derivative of the Course Angle. Action Intentional or goal-directed behaviour. Active Advisory Horizon The lead time (VSP) before the estimated time of arrival at the constraint point. The flight is sequenced and advisories are issued. Active Mode of Real-Time Civil/Military Co-ordination Is the communication mode in real-time between civil and military units which results from an action by the controller(s). Active NOTAM A NOTAM is active between the date-times stated in Items B and C taking into account the time sche-duled in Item D. Active Plan Individual or specific item plan derived from a business or strategic plan.

Active Reflector A device used in Primary Radar systems for geo-graphical alignment and system performance checking: It generates a signal from a stationary installation with an artificial Doppler shift which en-sures that a stationary target will be presented on an ATC screen after Moving Target Detection (MTD) or Moving Target Indicator (MTI) processing. Active Way-Point A way-point to or from which navigational guidance is being provided. For a parallel offset, the active way-point may or may not be at the same geo-graphical position as the parent way.point. When not in the Parallel offset mode (operating on the parent route), the active and Parent way-points are at the same geographical position. Activity An element of work performed during the course of a programme / project or within the scope of a service. Actual implementation date Date by which a Convergence and Implementation Programme Objective has been achieved. Actual Time of Arrival Filled in on arrival. Also used for ATO. Actual Time Over Filled in when an aircraft passes (flies over) a co-ordination point (e.g. a beacon). ADA A higher-order programming language for use in embedded real-time avionics computers. (ANSI / MIL/STD/1815). Added function See Advanced Functionality Tool Address Domain An (ATN) Address Domain is a set of address for-mats and values administered by a single address authority. Under the ISO plan, any address authority may define sub-domains within its own domain, and delegate authority within those sub-domains. Addressing Authority An (ATN) Addressing Authority defines formats and/or values of NSAP addresses within its jurisdiction. Adequate Warning Time The desired warning time for particular alerts given by a particular Safety Net in a particular region (SNET) type. The value is determined externally, based on human factors and aircraft performance considerations. Adjacent Track Track provided to an ARTAS Unit by one of its adja-cent Units. Adjacent Unit Two ARTAS Units are adjacent if a Domain of Co-operation is defined between them. Administrative Domain A collection of (ATN) end systems, intermediate systems and sub networks operated by a single or-ganisation or administrative authority. An adminis-trative domain may be internally divided into one or more routing domains. Adopted airports (AMAN) Airports especially defined being considered within the AMAN operational horizon.

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