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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

shatter /.t./ verb to break into a number of pieces when hit . Clear ice is hard to shatter and break off.
shear /.../ verb to break by lateral movement
shearing load /...r.. l.υd/ noun
load caused by sliding apart the layers of a structure
shear stress /... stres/ noun stress that occurs in riveted and bolted joints when a force causes one layer of mate-rial to slide over an adjacent layer
shed /.ed/ verb to get rid of . Non-essential loads may need to be shed in order to reduce weight.
sheet /.it/ noun 1. a large, thin, flat piece of material . aluminium sheet 2. a relatively large piece of paper . instruction sheet a piece of paper on which special instructions are written or printed
shell /.el/ noun the outer covering of something such as an aircraft fuselage shield /.ild/ noun a protective cover-ing . heat shield . verb to protect by covering . The beacon should be sited on the highest ground to prevent the transmitted signal from being shielded.
shift /..ft/ noun 1. movement from one place to another . a shift in position
2. a change . When a radio transmis-sion is made from a moving platform, there will be a shift in frequency between the transmitted and intercepted radio signals. . verb to change the posi-tion of something . to shift a load
shock /..k/ noun 1. a sudden violent impact . On all undercarriages some form of accepting the shock of landing must be included. 2. disturbance of mental functions caused by a terrible experience or injury . Crew should be aware of reverse panic, a form of shock which makes passengers unable to com-prehend the need for urgency.

shock absorber /..k .bz.b./
noun device to minimise the shock to the main structure of the aircraft when it lands
shock wave /..k we.v/ noun com-pression wave caused by supersonic motion . As sonic speed is approached, the efficiency of the intake begins to fall, because of the formation of shock waves at the intake lip.
shore /../ noun a stretch of land at the edge of the sea or a lake, etc. . At a height of 3,000 feet it was possible to see the shore. . offshore, onshore
shorten /..t(.)n/ verb to make short or shorter in length or duration . Mis-handling of aero-engines during opera-tion can cause considerable damage and wear which can shorten the life of the engine. . The length of the mercury

short-haul 208
column shortens when cooled. Opposite
lengthen short-haul /..t h.l/ adjective trav-
elling over a short distance

short-haul flight /..t h.l fla.t/
noun a flight over a short distance, up to 1,000km . On short-haul flights, pas-sengers are usually offered only light meals.
short-term conflict alert /..t tm k.nfl.kt .lt/ noun a warning that an aircraft may soon be flying too close to another aircraft
shot /..t/ noun a discharge . Extin-guishing of a fire in an auxiliary power unit (APU) compartment is normally done by a single-shot fire extinguisher.

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