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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

setting /set../ noun 1. a particular figure or position which a device is adjusted to . altimeter setting adjust-ment of the sub-scale of the altimeter to read QFE, QNH, etc. 2. the action of adjusting a device to a particular posi-tion, etc. . The setting of the altimeter is done prior to take-off.
settle /set(.)l/ verb to move into a final position . When wheels are first fitted to an aircraft, the tyres tend to move slightly as they settle down on the rims.
several /sev(.)r.l/ adjective a
number of but not many, more than a few . There are several types of instru-ment landing systems (ILS) in use. .
several minutes a number of minutes severe /s.v../ adjective extreme or intense (NOTE: Generally speaking, weather conditions can be described as light, moderate or severe, depending on the amount or intensity of the condi-
tion.) . severe icing bad icing . severe turbulence violent turbulence severity /s.ver.ti/ noun the amount,
intensity or seriousness of a condition .
When the wind is strong the vertical currents become quite vigorous with the resultant increase in the severity of tur-bulence.
SFAR abbreviation Special Federal
Aviation Regulation shade /.e.d/ noun 1. intensity or rich-ness of colour . Shades of colour of the landscape become lighter in misty con-ditions. 2. cover or shelter from the sun
. Surface air temperature is the temper-ature recorded in the shade at a height just above ground level.
shadow /.d.υ/ noun an area which is not affected by full radiation because of partial or full blocking of rays by something between the area and the source of the radiation . Solar radiation does not exist at night when the rotation

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of the Earth creates a shadow zone from the sun. . Line-of-sight transmission path means that obstacles and terrain can create shadow zones.
shaft /.ɑft/ noun a long, generally cylindrical bar, especially one that rotates and transmits power . engine drive shaft . propeller shaft
shaft horsepower /.ɑft h.spaυ./ noun the unit used for stat-ing the power delivered to the shaft of a turboshaft or turboprop engine. Abbre-viation SHP
shaker /.e.k./ noun a device which shakes or vibrates violently . Large air-craft use a stick shaker to supplement the natural stall warning of buffet.
shallow /.l.υ/ adjective not deep . shallow angle small angle

shallow depression /.l.υ d.
pre.(.)n/ noun an area of slightly low relative atmospheric pressure
shape /.e.p/ noun form . The shape of an aircraft is determined by the requirement to provide an aerodynamic lift force great enough to support the weight of the aircraft and payload whilst in flight.
sharp /.ɑp/ adjective 1. thin and capable of cutting or piercing . If a piece of thermosetting plastic is hit hard enough, it breaks into pieces with straight sharp edges. 2. clear . The sharp setting means the bandwidth is reduced to 1kHz (kilohertz) to minimise noise or interference. 3. clear and dis-tinct . Cumulus clouds have sharp out-lines. 4. sudden and acute . a sharp increase a sudden large increase

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