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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

parachute flare /pr..ut fle./
noun a distress signal, suspended from a parachute to allow more time for the flare to be seen, which is fired to a height of 1200 ft
parachutist /pr..ut.st/ noun a
person who returns to the ground from an aircraft using a parachute
parallel /pr.lel/ adjective 1. side by side and having the same distance between them at every point . As one aircraft flew round to attempt another landing, a Boeing 757 was taking off on the parallel runway. . The runway is parallel to the main road. 2. . in paral-lel arranged so as to join at common points at each end . When batteries are connected in parallel, voltage remains constant but capacity increase. . noun a line which is parallel to another . par-allels of latitude imaginary lines of

parameter 168
constant latitude around the Earth’s sur-
face parameter /p.rm.t./ noun a set of measurable values such as temperature which define a system and determine its behaviour . Parameters required by the crew to set and monitor engine thrust are permanently displayed on the screen.
parasite drag /pr.sa.t dr/
noun a component of total lift, caused by friction between the airflow and the structure of the aircraft . Parasite drag increases as speed increases.
parcel /pɑs(.)l/ noun a small pack-age . parcel of air small body of air .
When a parcel of air is heated, its vol-ume increases and its density decreases thus there is a fall in pressure.
park /pɑk/ verb to leave a vehicle such as a car or an aircraft in a particular place when no one is using it . Park beside the Cessna 150.
parking brake /pɑk.. bre.k/ noun
a brake that is set, often by hand, when the aircraft is stationary for a period of time . Make certain that the parking brake is on before doing engine run-up checks. . Light aircraft should be left with parking brakes off so that they can be moved quickly in the event of a fire in the hangar.
partial /pɑ.(.)l/ adjective in part, not fully . partial closing of an undercar-riage door not full closing of the doors
. partial filter blockage incomplete
blockage of a filter particle /pɑt.k(.)l/ noun a very small piece or part . Solid particles in the atmosphere include sand, dust, vol-canic ash and atmospheric pollution. . Hailstones start as ice particles in the upper part of a cumulonimbus cloud.
particular /p.t.kjυl./ adjective spe-
cial, given, distinct, not general . a par-ticular time . a particular speed . The size and number of valves required for a particular type of aircraft is governed by the amount of air necessary for pres-surisation and air conditioning.
pass /pɑs/ noun 1. a badge or docu-ment which allows one to enter a restricted or prohibited area . a security
pass 2. a successful result in an exam . verb 1. to move . Tropical storms dissi-pate as they pass from sea to land. . The air leaves the compressor outlet and passes through a matrix assembly. 2. .

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